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take your speaking to the next level
Discover online English courses to help you build your grammer and improve your communication skills.
Practise developing your grammer with your classmates in live group classes, get vocabulary support from a personal tutor in one-to-one lessons or practise by yourself at your own speed with a self-study course
How we assisst you
Grow your English skills and confidence through taking notes with native-speaking tutors.
Here you can find activities to practise your speaking skills. You can improve your speaking by noticing the language we use in different situations and practising useful phrases.Take our free online English test to find out which level to choose.
a1 speaking
Speaking practice to help you learn useful language for everyday communication. Situations include meeting new people, checking understanding and making suggestions.
a2 speaking
Speaking practice to help you learn useful language for everyday communication. Situations include showing interest, talking about where you're from and talking about your job.
b1 speaking
Speaking practice to help you learn useful language for everyday communication. Situations include responding to news, meeting face-to-face and asking a favour.
b2 speaking
Speaking practice to help you learn useful language for everyday communication. Situations include giving advice, dealing with a problem and challenging someone's ideas.
how we assist you
Grow your English skills and confidence through conversations with native-speaking tutors.
start with your goals
We recommend lessons, topics, and activities to help you reach your goals. You choose the things that get you talking, making moves toward where you want to go.